Last Saturday Daddy took his little girl down to Charlottesville to see our beloved Wahoos from the University of Virginia take on the Miami Hurricanes. The Hoos ended up on the short end of things, 24-17 in overtime, but it was a great day for Daddy and his little girl. No traffic heading down in the morning for the noon kickoff, which included 1+ hour nap for E. Got to the game after kickoff, but we weren't in a big hurry. It was sunny and warm -- an absolutely gorgeous Fall day in Central Virginia.
E was spectacular. She really behaved well. It was surprisingly sunny, and Daddy forgot the sunscreen, so she spent a good part of the time with her head on my lap and Daddy's hat covering her face. I thought she might nod off, but when there was something exciting going on in the game, she would ask to stand up or be picked up so she could see what was happening on the field. Daddy was bursting with pride.
Before we get to the pictures, a little story. A few weeks earlier in Oct, we spent Sat & Sun with some old college friends of mine and their kids. 5 boys between the ages of 4 1/2 and 9 yrs. And E was the only girl. UVa had a good day scoring 5 touchdowns. After each touchdown the Virginia faithful engage in a tradition known as singing the "Good Ole' Song." This is a song to the tune of Auld Lang Syne where people put their arms around one another and sway back and forth while singing. This really intrigued Elizabeth and asked several times in subsequent weeks for Mommy or Daddy to sing the Go Hoos Go song.
Fast forward to this past weekend. So UVa scores a touchdown and we sing the Good Ole Song. E listens intently. A little while later, UVa scores again.
Daddy: "Ok, baby girl, time to sing!"
Sweetpea: (* incredulously *) "Again?!?!?!"
And now for the pictures:

Getting a hand from a fan at the end of the 1st Qtr

Heading down to the picnic area at the half.

What a fabulous day! One for the memory book.
too precious
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