35+ years of friendship on one side
21+ years of friendship on another
6 adults/3 couples who all get along individually
5 girls ages 3.75-5.5 years
3 boys ages 7 mo-13 mo
2 generous parents who hosted the whole group several times
2 islands
1 house
Add dash of perfect weather, a sprinkling of wild ponies, top off with ice cream, blue crabs and fireworks.
Yield: a great vacation
Note: 3 sick babies entirely optional. Adds complexity. Not recommended.
Bonus: 1 black skimmer (my favorite bird) seen on the last night
(group picture to come soon)
It was indeed a great vacation. We spent our first night in a hotel in Pocomoke, then moved into the rental place on Chincoteague. The night before we left we drove out to the beach to say goodbye to the ocean, and talked to Elizabeth about us leaving. No, she said, we can't leave.
We got the house all packed up Monday morning, everyone in the car to go, except Elizabeth, who stood on the steps of the house crying. Yes, come on, we have to go turn in the keys, Elizabeth! No, I don't want to go to our home! Can't we stay in our little hotel room tonight?
She watched a DVD much of the way home. When we pulled up in front of our house, she looked around, realized where we were, and wailed, no, not here!
Tuesday morning she crawled into bed for a snuggle. Mommy? Can't we go back? Back to vacation?
New Zealand Rugby World Cup 2011 here we come! (oh, yeah, plus a weekend trip to Pocomoke before the G's leave the continent.)
June 2022
2 years ago
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