Tonight was Elizabeth's first piano lesson, and it went really, really well. Even if the piano was in the middle of the dining room and the lesson means pushing back dinner a little.
One of Elizabeth's good friends on the street started piano last year, and initially I was going to contact that piano teacher. But then a former music teacher at Elizabeth's school started giving private lessons as her main business, so without hesitation I contacted her the very next day after I bought our piano.
Last year, Elizabeth's school offered a free music class for first graders one afternoon a week after school, taught by her new piano teacher. She seemed to like it a lot, which was great.
At one of the last lessons I asked Ms W how things were going and she said it was all great. Elizabeth was a lot of fun to have in class. Then she paused and added, she is going to be something as a teenager.
And of course, my mind immediately went to, omg, she is going to be a handful, she is so stubborn and determined and willful now……..but before I could say anything in response, Ms W continued, "she is a really cool kid, you can just see she's going to be a really fun, unique teenager. Can't wait to see how great she's going to be."
And I was, simply put, floored. That may be the single greatest compliment I have ever heard about Elizabeth. We struggle, often, with our determined and fiercely independent and stubborn daughter. But those very traits that exasperate us so much can also serve her very well in life. Ms W gave me a great reminder of that, and I remain grateful for that reminder, something that I've tried to keep front of mind since. It's not always easy, but it's important to remember.
There's a lot of space between the first lesson and being able to play the piano. And we have a lot of practice time to get through. But she's off to a great start.
November 2024
4 months ago